Monday 5 December 2011

SAFE Poll, Wearing Ancient Artefacts

"Should genuine ancient archaeological materials such as coins and pottery shards be repurposed and sold as jewelry?" Yes/no

What do people think? Go over and vote.

UPDATE 5/12/11

and the coineys are... all it took was the ACCG's paid cheerleader Hooker, John to send a message to Moneta-L:
Safecorner -- the anti-collecting organization has a new poll (anonymous - one click): "Should genuine ancient archaeological materials such as coins and
pottery shards be repurposed and sold as jewelry?" So far, only 31 people have responded. How sad! Why not head over to: and register your vote. It will be fun ;-)
SAFECorner is of course NOT "anti-collecting", but personally I would say turning numismatiuc research material into wearable geegaws certainly IS. But then, as my readers know I really have always doubted whether those coin collectors are real numismatists as opposed to mere geegaw accumulators. It seems to be being confirmed as I write by their voting.

Here's some nasty examples to show just what it is these people are supporting:
"Shekel of Tyre" clamped into a tyre
Sunburst and battered "Shekel of Tyre"
"Horse coin jewelry", Pegasus trapped in a lake of golden goo
"Drug-crazed wombat clutches Republican denarius"
"Kushan ruler in a cogwheel"
"One of a Kind, simply Ugh!"
"Vayzo dubious offerings" (fake coins?)
"Whole loada coin stuff in tacky mounts"
"Some better than others, but some awful"

So, numismatists think that this is a good way to curate their "research" material? Dangling around on a metal chain and rubbing against sweaty skin and synthetic fabrics and being passed round from hand to hand at a cocktail party? Are these mounts and manner of treatment ANS approved?

Vignette: US Numismatic bread and circuses, coin and wombat.

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