Friday 30 December 2011

Observer asks Is It About Conservation or Control?

Observing the ongoing debate on the financing of a Portable Antiquities Scheme for Wales, Cultural Property Lobbyist asks "Is It About Conservation or Control?". Actually, it is neither, the PAS is a wallpapering over the cracks in cultural heritage policy in the British Isles and needs stripping away to reveal the underlying fabric of deceits and fuzzy thinking.


Cultural Property Observer said...

Well, if I everything I write has to do with the fact that I have to register as a lobbyist (though archaeologists who are funded by their universities don't have to do the same) isn't everything you write colored by the fact that apparently you are a contractor for ICOM and UNESCO?

Paul Barford said...


I write what I write because I have eyes and ears and do not like what I see and hear.

The PAS is a wallpapering over the cracks in cultural heritage policy in the British Isles and needs stripping away to reveal the underlying fabric of deceits and fuzzy thinking.

[I also bet if you asked them, grey-suit organizations like ICOMOS and UNESCO would probably say without a thought that the PAS is a "jolly good thing".]

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