Saturday 5 May 2012

Britain's Secret Treasures on MLO

Minelabowners is giving the ITV programme "Britain's Secret Treasures" a plug.
Britain's Secret Treasures on ITV to follow experts as they judge the merits of antiquities discovered in the UK in the last 15 years, ITV are doing filming around the uk to find the finders of these wonderful treasures.  Britain’s Secret Treasures promises to bring together community history, British heritage, human interest, a little detective work... and some serious treasure. [...]  One such find that was filmed was a "Seal Matrix" found by a good friend of mine in Surrey, the presenter of BST was Mary Ann Ochota ; she talks to Tony about his fascinating find; one not to be missed on Britain’s Secret Treasures in July. [...] To see the full story on Tony's find you will have to watch Britain’s Secret Treasures on ITV to be broadcast in July of this year by presenters Michael Buerk and Bettany Hughes.
Well, you'd have to watch the programme to get any kind of story, searching the PAS database does not seem to bring it up.

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