Saturday 12 May 2012

Nord on Art - Dodgy Dealings

It says on the "About" blurb to "Nord on Art":
Nord Wennerstrom is a cultural omnivore, a former contributing editor to Art & Antiques Magazine and reviewer for Artforum, among other publications.
I'm putting him in my "Good Guys" sidebar for several recent posts on the Antiqu(iti)es Market. 
The latest: 'An Antiquities Sale with Hazy Guarantees? ' May 11, 2012:
The May 12 online auction hosted by  ”, a fully owned subsidiary of Artemis Gallery Ancient Art, will offer more than 250 lots of antiquities from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Italy, the Near East, the Far East, as well as art from the Ancient Americas (Mexico, Central and South America) and Africa,” according to a press release — “Online auction offers more than 250 antiquities with guaranteed authenticity” – posted on
The press release’s third paragraph contains a carefully crafted quote from managing director Teresa Dodge meant to reassure buyers about  the authenticity and legality of the works:
All items offered for sale in this auction have been legally acquired and are legal to sell, and are guaranteed authentic/as described. We believe an antiquity will find its correct price in the market almost every time if it is offered with the assurance that it is authentic, legal to purchase and meets the timeline qualifications for UNESCO and various national treaties,” said Teresa Dodge, Managing Director.
Though linked together, these two sentences talk about very separate scenarios. 


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Paul, for picking up the blog post. Sadly, as you know all to well, this is an ongoing story.

Anonymous said...

Paul -

here's another post for you: 164 Antiquities with No Listed Provenance in Upcoming French Auction

all best,


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