Friday 17 January 2014

John Hooker FSA

Collector John Hooker boasts that he has been nominated as a potential FSA. Congratulations.

Meanwhile he seems concerned to keep a controversy about the dating of a brooch from a chariot burial going. Only "he" knows the real answer you see, those "incompetent" archaeologists have no clue. Except they have and Hooker is just being a pain. They'll love him in the Antiqs.

Thomas Rowlandson (1757-1827), ‘The Reception
of a New Member in the Society of Antiquarians’ 1782
The Society of Antiquaries of London)


kyri said...

hi paul i certainly dont agree with everything john hooker says on cultural property issues but when it comes to celtic art/history/coinage the guy is like a walking encyclopaedia and if he says the brooch is miss dated i personally would take his word for it.i find him to be a very intelligent guy with a big dose of civility.there are many who simply wouldnt have published your comment.funny thing is i like john hooker and i like you,is that possible in this weary another life im sure you both could have been the best of freinds,talking ancient history over a bottle of nice wine.

Paul Barford said...

Is that an invitation Kyri?


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