Tuesday 6 October 2015

Conflict Antiquities: Forging aPublic/Private Response to Save Iraq and Syria's Endangered Cultural Heritage

On 6th October 2015 the Department of State posted a some of the documents relating to the conference Conflict Antiquities: Forging aPublic/Private Response to Save Iraq and Syria's Endangered Cultural Heritage, held at the Metropolitan Museum, New York, September 29 2015.

Meanwhile, they have also placed the presentation by Andrew Keller [Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs]  online (Documenting ISIL's Antiquities Trafficking: The Looting and Destruction of Iraqi and Syrian Cultural Heritage: What We Know and What Can Be Done). Here can be found scans of the original documents to which he refers. They do not however address the other important questions raised

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