Saturday 24 October 2015

Congratulations to Nathan Elkins

I would like to join others in congratulating Dr. Nathan Elkins on his election at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on October 24 in New York, as a Fellow of the American Numismatic Society.
The body of Fellows is restricted to 225 and nominees for Fellow are regarded as "as having the following exemplary personal and professional qualifications and characteristics: scholars in numismatics and related fields, and those devoted to advancement of numismatics; philanthropists and financial benefactors of the Society and those giving the Society the benefit of their time and expertise; experts in museum and library administration, education, development and public service."
It is a well-deserved distinction, not only for his numismatic work and publications, but also the attention he is giving to the questions of best practice in collecting and the coin trade. I hope this means that numismatic bodies such as the ANS are taking a closer interest in the latter issues. I am not sure that will please the more atavistic among their dealer members... Congratulations Nathan.

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