Thursday 19 May 2016

British Museum Closed by Climate Protestors

The British Museum not only holds material controversially removed from other countries, through the PAS supports and promotes artefact hunting and private artefact collecting, but is now also accused of lack of environmental sensitivity:   Brian Boucher, 'Greenpeace Activists Scale Columns at British Museum, Forcing Temporary Shutdown' Art Net News Thursday, May 19, 2016
The British Museum closed for several hours today as Greenpeace protesters decked out in climbing gear occupied key columns on its façade, unfurling banners on climate change. The activists were calling attention to the British oil company BP's sponsorship of the museum's current "Sunken Cities" exhibition [...] Fourteen activists affixed the "Sinking Cities" signs to the columns, referring to rising seawater levels that threaten coastal cities worldwide in the era of climate change.  [...] yesterday, activists stormed the press preview for "Sunken Cities," calling attention to environmental damaged caused by the energy company as well as BP's alliances with repressive Middle Eastern regimes.[...]
I just hope those climbing boots and equipment did not damage the patina of those columns.

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