Wednesday 8 April 2020

Reactions to UK Metal Detectorist Lockdown-Flaunters

UK artefact hunters claim they are all "responsible", well not all of them are - more reactions on the Sleaford incident ( Ashley Franklin, 'Disbelief after men flout coronavirus lockdown rules to go metal detecting Unbelievable!' Lincolnshire Live 8 APR 2020)
Two men have been criticised after flouting coronavirus lockdown rules to go metal detecting. The pair, who are from Grantham, decided to ignore Government advice and head out to pursue their hobby on Sunday, April 5. However, the duo, who had gone to the Sleaford area, were caught and stopped by police. The force has now used the pair as an example to others to only travel if it is "essential." [...] News of what the pair had done has left many people angered. One woman posted: "No words. Thank you Sleaford Police." Others have called for them to be punished. One wrote: "I hope you fined them" while another added: "I hope you arrested them."

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