Monday 24 November 2014

Felch Asked to Aid Dealer Denial

Ursula Kampmann (November 24, 2014 at 4:26 am) is not having any of this questioning into whose pockets money from the no-questions-asked trade in dugup antiquities goes. she says its all "rumour" and "speculations". She asks Jason Felch if he will make his expose of a reported comment by Boston academic Michael Danti available to support the dugup dealers' cause.
we need all pieces of good information we can get in order to spread authentic news. Therefore I would like to ask you whether you would allow me to republish your text in CoinsWeekly [...] I also would like to ask you whether you would allow us to translate your text into German and to publish it on MünzenWoche [...] an Internet journal based in Germany [with] 30.000 readers per month from 120 nations, mainly those who are deeply involved in collecting and dealing coins and antiquities [...]  The IADAA – for whom I act as commissioner on Cultural Property Issues – would also be very interested to publish your article on their website (in German and English). 
Coin collectors of course, poor benighted souls, are utterly incapable of using a mouse to click and follow a link to the Chasing Aphrodite blog for themselves, they need it laid out on a plate for them, translated into German and probably with some nice pictures of coins or fluffy bunnies to make all those words more palatable.Is there any reason, one wonders, why dealers and their siupporters would be so concerned to keep coin collectors off blogs like Jason Felch's?

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