Saturday 22 November 2014

The US Protect and Preserve International Cultural Property Act

A new bipartisan bill aims to sharpen the United States’ response to looting in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries impacted by war, political instability, or natural disaster, The Art Newspaper reported. New York Democratic congressman Eliot Engel, who introduced the legislation in the house last Thursday, said the Protect and Preserve International Cultural Property Act will “deny terrorists and criminals the ability to profit from instability by looting the world of its greatest treasures.” The bill is being co-sponsored by New Jersey Republican representative Chris Smith. [...]  “Protecting international cultural property is a vital part of United States cultural diplomacy, showing the respect of the United States for other cultures and the common heritage of humanity,” the bill states. 
Laura C. Mallonee 'New Bill Could Keep Looted Syrian Antiquities Out of US' hyperallergic November 20, 2014 

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