Monday 8 October 2018

Wreck Material Disturbed while Beach Detecting in Guernsey

The large sheets dug up from the wreck
A follow-up to my post on beach detecting, a reader has drawn my attention to this article that shows that even on tourist beaches, some archaeological features may be buried beneath the and that would be damaged by blind digging by artefact hunters (Treasure hunter accidentally discovers 200-year-old shipwreck on British channel island', Independent 8th October 2018).
The remnants of a 200-year-old shipwreck have been found on the beach of a British channel island. Around 21 pieces of copper sheathing were found by metal detectorist Jonathan Bull, who described the find as a "bucket list" moment. The pieces of metal are thought to belong to the HMS Severn and one is stamped '1794' - the year the ship finished undergoing a refit at Plymouth Dockyard.  They were found at the Royal Bay of Grouville on Jersey and records show the Severn was damaged nearby, stranded in the bay with a broken rudder.[...] Mr Bull, who has been metal detecting for five years, added he then declared the find to the receiver of the wreck and handed the items over to Jersey Heritage.

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