Friday 21 September 2012

PapDodge Roundup

Since I am now pretty convinced that the papyrus fragment which a lot of fuss has been about this week is a fake (unofficially re-christened 'PapDodge' by David Gill - aka "the Gospel of Jesus' Wife"), I do not propose discussing it much next week. So here's a post for dumping stuff both serious and frivolous about it which I found of interest.

The first seems to be blogger 's attempt to do exactly the same thing:
 3 Jesus’ Wife (With Fill in the Blank at the End) [with an interesting fact at the end about a lacuna in the oft-quoted fragment of the Gospel of Philip about Mary Magdalene which I admit I did not know].

Prof. King's research was scheduled to be published in the Harvard Theological Review in January:
But on Friday, the review's co-editor Kevin Madigan said he and his co-editor had only "provisionally" committed to a January publication, pending the results of the ongoing studies. In an email, Madigan said the added studies include "scientific dating and further reports from Coptic papyrologists and grammarians."

and in the same source:
Boston University archaeologist Ricardo Elia said Friday that the Harvard Theological Review should delay publication until the fragment's owner and origins are more clearly documented. Harvard has kept the owner anonymous, and Elia said that raises questions about professional ethics, because Harvard appears to be protecting the owner, a collector, from other claims to the fragment.
Rogue Claccicist has a lengthy summing-up-recent-news piece 'The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife ~ A Rogueclassicist Perspective of Sept 22nd which makes an interesting suggestion at the end, why are there eight lines of readable text on one side and six very faded ones on the other? He suggest it is possible that the 'verso' may have an authentic text, while the 'recto' has had text added in modern times. Makes sense.
To be continued.... 

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