Wednesday 16 July 2014

Italy: Metal Detectorist Arrested

Police of the Nucleo per la Tutela del Patrimonio culturale Nucleus of Ancona conducted a major operation in collaboration with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage that led to the seizure of a mass of material from clandestine excavations in the area between Cerreto d'Esi and Matelica.A collection of 488 archaeological ceramics and bronze coins was seized from the home of a 40-year old in Cerreto. The man went out digging equipped with metal detectors, shovels and archaeological maps.

Cristina Carnevali, 'Cerreto D'Esi: maxi sequestro di reperti archeologici, nei guai un 40enne', Vivere Jesi 14th July 2014.

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