Saturday 4 July 2015

UK "Financing Syrian Terror"

The media in Syria are reporting the UK's role in financing conflict in their country: 'Antiquities looted from Syria and Iraq sold in European markets, American archeologist says'. They point out that there had been similar alegations in March, but nothing was done:

The near-east specialist from the UCL Institute of Archaeology, Mark al-Taweel, said that the antiquities looted by terrorist organizations [,,,] are being sold in the markets of Britain and other European states. Al-Taweel added in a report issued by the British Newspaper of The Guardian that terrorists work through systematic networks on looting these antiquities and smuggling them to Europe without any questioning or punishment. Tracking the movement of the Syrian antiquities shows that they reach the shops and antiquity auctions directly in London and other capitals, al-Taweel said [...]. He pointed out that the European antique dealers avoid giving clear answers on the sources of the antiquities they sell and they do not have legal documents on how they get them.

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