Agricultural work 681 recordsThen there is another group of finders:
building 708 records
gardening 3017 records
chance find 9751 records
total 14,157 records
Controlled archaeological investigation 543+319+23+615 = 1500.Again it is impossible to determine from that how many 'finders' included in the PAS total that represents (indeed, what these data from archaeological projects which should be being reported elsewhere are doing in the PAS database at all, that is another 2649 + 17,294 = 19,943 finds that should be subtracted from that nominal "million").
Metal detector during archaeological investigation
Fieldwalking 17294
If we assume that the majority of the chance finds in the first group were one-off events, we may suggest subtracting 14000 from the 29,402 total. That means that only some 15400 finders would be either metal detectorists or archaeologists, plus those falling into other categories. This is pretty disturbing if we assume that the number of detectorists was 8000 a decade ago (those were my figures and the PAS has been saying much the same sort of thing), and has risen to 16000 in more recent years (this seems to be suggested by extrapolating from statistics on the growth in MD club membership). Many of these artefact hunters will have been active for only part of the time the PAS has been running. Those who took up artefact hunting as men in their twenties in the 1970s will now be in their late sixties. Those who took it up in the 1970s or 1980s in later middle age or retirement are mostly dead. So the figures of "more than 9000" (minimum given by 'rally' figures) to "less than 15400" really are not very satisfactory for the fruits of eighteen years' work.
But really it beats me why we are left guessing about these figures and having to stand on our heads trying to work out what the PAD "statistics" mean for the heritage debate. Why on earth can the PAS not just tell it as it is, and give the figures for the patterns of reporting by artefact hunters and collectors and others in black and white for us all to see? Why not? How much more cash would transparency cost?
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