Tuesday, 1 October 2013

UK Museums 'ditching staff for volunteers'

BBC News - Museums 'ditching staff for volunteers' - all except the PAS. After all, who could imagine anybody normal actually volunteering to be an FLO and run the risk of coming into contact with certain metal detectorists? Perhaps though many of the latter are precisely those that no matter how much public money and effort is pumped into the Scheme, the FLO will never come into contact with.


Anonymous said...

"Perhaps though many of the latter are precisely those that no matter how much public money and effort is pumped into the Scheme, the FLO will never come into contact with."

I doubt that! A massive free state certified identification service - why wouldn't they use it! Either for anything that's hard to identify or that needs an official label of authenticity to boost its value? And that applies to virtually every nighthawk - why wouldn't it? It sounds foolish to call it a National Burglar Information Line but who can argue it doesn't partly operate as exactly that (and I hear some FLO's think it does!)

Paul Barford said...

Well, no, obviously before they even look at anything, surely they ask to see, and make an archive copy of, the documentation that each object has been signed off by a consenting landowner so we all know it it has been legally obtained. Otherwise they'd potentially be handling stolen material if anything like that happened. That is why there is a ("legal provenance check done") tick-box for that in the database record forms, right at the top by the responsible finder's name. [irony script/off]

Anonymous said...

I think you'll find what it actually says is : "auditor please note: stripey jersey bloke asked if obtained lawfully and said yus guv".

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