Sunday 27 October 2013

Worlingwoth Rally Followup

Readers may remember the Worlingworth Local History Society's archaeology-eroding artefact hunting grabfest a month ago and their defiant attitude towards comments.  If you click on this link, you will find how many finds from the rally entered the PAS database this week. A month ago, there were 19 finds from metal detecting in the parish in the PAS records. Now we can see how those "busy times" on the rally reported by the organizers are represented in the growth of archaeological knowledge about the parish.

It appears that the PAS has pulled all the stops out in support of the local history group's archaeological grabfest. How nice for the "partnership"!  Here are the records created and last updatedby Suffolk FLO Andrew Brown for the artefact hunters on Wednesday 23rd October 2013:

Record ID: SF-7FF365 Charles I sixpence, no image.
Record ID: SF-7FC733  Elizabeth I sixpence, 1582 no image.
Record ID: SF-7FB9A0 Elizabeth I sixpence, 156[] no image. 
Record ID: SF-7CCD05 Elizabeth I groat c.1558-1561 no image. 
Record ID: SF-7CBAF5 Edward IV penny  no image. 
Record ID: SF-7C63E4  Edward I penny no image.
Record ID: SF-7AC772  Edward I penny, no image.
Record ID: SF-7AB9F4  Edward I, penny, no image. 
Record ID: SF-7AA1A2 Edward I  penny, no image.
Record ID: SF-7A85C3 Roman coin, House of Constantine, no image.
Record ID: SF-7A5CD6 Roman coin Tetricus I radiate , no image.   
Record ID: SF-67B4D6 Roman coin Diocletian, GENIO POPV-LI ROM[], no image. 
Record ID: SF-67A5E3 Roman coin Diocletian, GE[]O POPV-LI ROM[], no image.  

Is this everything that the rally detectorists handed in for recording?  Is this all they collected, just the coins? What does this bare list of numismatic finds from one or more fields in the parish tell us about the archaeology of the places they came from?

So this part of Suffolk was inhabited or visited by coin using folk in the third and fourth centuries (like most of lowland England) there was some activity out here in the fields in the thirteenth century (like most of lowland England)and in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (like most of lowland England), but then was abandoned, to judge from the finds recorded a total archaeological wasteland until the present day. What happened to any other artefacts in those fields associated with the objects removed?

Have any of these objects been removed from potentially archaeologically-significant associations?

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