Friday, 28 February 2014

Consequence of Discussion of the A20 Grave-trashing Fiasco?

I just received this from the Chairman of Medway History Finders artefact hunting club and thought I'd share it (comment on Focus on UK metal Detecting: Holedigger Pete Looking for a Real Man)
Hi Paul, hope your having a good mate? [sic, I was actually having tea] Iv [sic] now having a club meeting and have asked a [sic] archie to come along and give us a talk on how to deal with a hoard. To tell all the members what to do and not what to do.This way we can't fall out with people like yourself. This has been good and bad for the club, but with a bit of luck what im doing now should sort out any problem we have all the best Pete. 
What would have been better still would be for the FLO to have explained it as part of her outreach before the club went out and for the archaeologist to ask them to keep off known sites , especially those with "mounds" and other upstanding earthworks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"have asked a [sic] archie to come along and give us a talk on how to deal with a hoard..... should sort out any problem we have all the best Pete."

Oh please, there can be very, very, very few detectorists that don't know perfectly well it's totally wrong to do what these clowns did - and it's totally impossible that a group of 40 of them was lacking such knowledge between them.

No, let them not claim a defence of ignorance. Not of good practice anyway. It was an uncaring act of greed, one that they must have known was both damaging and avoidable and unjustified.

That's why "education" is not the answer. It's the ally of the oik. Compulsion and sanctions are the only answer and it's not hard to do. If the guts were found to cancel 100% of this reward all such behaviour would stop in a flash.

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