Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Colombia Concerning the Imposition of Import Restrictions on Archaeological Materials from the Pre-Columbian Cultures and Certain Ecclesiastical Material from the Colonial Period of Colombia.Here's the current situation:
No wonder they are keeping it a secret, they've got hymn books on the designated list, and tapestries and carpets, "made between A.D. 1530 and 1830, with ecclesiastic purpose or association, under the stewardship of the Church". Whoaaah, creepy, its a conspiracy with the VATICAN!
Colombia Country Page 2006 Bilateral Agreement 2006 Designated List 2011 Amended Article II
Peter Tompa, where are you, when your country needs you?
Good evening Paul. I have started a new topic on my blog regarding the missing comment you sent this morning. Your input would be very much appreciated.
Eh? A topic about Colombia and the CPAC on your blog Mr Baines?
You know, I think if I want to write seriously and thoughtfully about the Treasure Act, I'd prefer to do it on a blog where (a) when I press "send" it actually appears (and if it does not I can find out why and fix it) and (b) which is read by people other than guffawing anonymous trolls with their ad personam remarks about "Barford". OK?
Why not run your blog like a blog and not pretend you've created a forum? They are two different things.
This is what I wrote yesterday:
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