Monday, 24 February 2014

More Coins "on Open Sale"

Peter Tompa is fond of stating that in this or that country "ancient coins are on open sale" (which he then confuses with coins that have export documentation). Romania is one of those countries, but as Ed Snible ('150 coins siezed at Romanian coin show', A Gift For Polydektes February 24, 2014) noted:
Police spokesman for Braşov County Commissioner Alan Naghi said Monday in a press conference that specialized criminal investigation police in protecting national cultural heritage had on Saturday a raid at a philatelic and numismatic fair held at an exhibition center in Brasov, in order to combat infringements of laws on the movable national cultural heritage [...], they made ​​checks of the 125 people participating in the fair to determine whether people who traded currencies had legal documents of origin. 
"They identified seven people aged between 35 and 61 years, from Bihor , Buzau , Caras Severin, Salaj and Bucharest, which traded unlawfully 154 ancient and medieval coins that come from archaeological sites protected by law", said Naghi.

Source: 'Târg numismatic la Braşov terminat cu confiscarea a 150 de monede', Ziaruldeiasi 24.02.2014

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