Thursday 27 February 2014

Macedonian police arrest 8 for big museum theft

A number of items of gold and silver jewellery dating from the 4th century A.D., were taken from storage areas in the Museum of Macedonia in central Skopje between November 2011 and October 2013. The theft was discovered in October. 
Police in Macedonia have arrested the head of the country’s biggest museum, a former senior heritage official and six others over the theft of 162 ancient pieces of jewelry from the museum’s collections. The prosecutor’s office in the capital, Skopje, said the eight suspects would face charges including illegal possession of cultural artefacts, abuse of power and negligence. [...] Police spokesman Ivo Kotevski told The Associated Press that some artifacts were found in the suspects’ homes, but it was unclear whether these were among the 162 stolen items. 
It is not clear which of the arrested are to be charged with theft, and which negligence. Neither is it stated that the stolen items have been recovered, perhaps they are already in the hands of foreign collectors.

Associated Press, 'Macedonian police arrest 8 for big museum theft', Washington Post Thursday, February 27 2014.

Vignette: Wikipedia.

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