Sunday 16 February 2014

"Being an advocate for ethical detecting..."

The increasing emphasis in artefact hunting circles on its relationship with conservation means that there is a new generation who is eager to leave behind the perceptions of the has-been dinosaurs that being a responsible detectorist is nothing more than "adhering to the letter of prevailing laws covering such things; the laws of trespass, criminal damage, and the 1996 Treasure Act". It's an attractive label, but:
"Being an advocate for ethical detecting does not mean trotting out a series of well-worn , fictions, it means facing up to some uncomfortable realities".
Vignette: EMDA logo


P2Pinvested said...

I have come to the conclusion that im just going to focus on me and my detecting. Im not going to be preaching to others about how changes need to be made. Anyone who is detecting in a non ethical style is doing it on their own accord, they won't change. If they wanted to change they would have already. I will carry my blog on if people read what I say and take ideas on board great. If not that's up to them.

Paul Barford said...

"Eight days" now, and the blog has changed it's name, now it's "Andy's UK metal detecting blog".

So it's about a "focus on me-me-me and my detecting" ("diary of a detectorist") or ALL "detecting in the UK"?

I can see a lot of forethought has gone into the decision to create this resource, a razor-sharp intellect has been at work, planning and sifting the options before making a firm and informed decision.

P2Pinvested said...

To be honest Paul I dont plan that far ahead. I have a life out side of blogging. I just go and do as I feel right at the time

Paul Barford said...

Last week you were calling it your "mission".

Anonymous said...

"I have come to the conclusion that im just going to focus on me and my detecting. Im not going to be preaching to others about how changes need to be made."

I guess that's down to me and my request that as a detectorist who wanted to display ethical credentials you should advocate halving the reward of the chap that destroyed all the evidence when digging out his find.

May I suggest a new concept: convenient ethicality. It's where a detectorist finds it convenient to tell a landowner he's ethical, but isn't.

NCMD issues a particularly convenient code for such people.

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