Friday 7 August 2015

Culture Under Threat: Law Enforcement Solutions for Cultural Racketeering

The Antiquities Coalition - Culture Under Threat: Law Enforcement Solutions for Cultural Racketeering

Masood Karimpour of UNESCO's Drugs and Crime office (UNODC) talks of the three factors needed to combat cultural racketeering and the trade in illicit artefacts: political will, deterrence (enforcement - naming and shaming buyers, and prosecuting and imprisoning dealers ), as well as raising social awareness so people inform on sellers when they see stuff offered.

The ADCAEA has not yet provided a link to this four-day old video on their website or Facebook page. Do they not think political will, enforcement and social awareness are means to get better control of the market in illicit antiquities which they claim are of concern to them? What do they claim the solutions are?

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