Wednesday 13 March 2013

Indian and Himalayan Art Show: Everything (?) you want to know...

'Images of Divinity' Indian and Himalayan Art
Founded in 1975 by Ramesh and Urmil Kapoor, Kapoor Galleries Inc specializes in Indian & Himalayan Arts. It has been and continues to be an invaluable resource for museum quality India Miniature Paintings and Himalayan Statuary. The gallery has been instrumental in developing major museum collections as well as distinguished private collections worldwide. Kapoor Galleries has placed works in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Norton Simon Museum, Art Institute of Chicago, San Diego Museum of Art, and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts among others. Joined by their son Suneet, who studied Indian Art at School of Oriental and African Studies, the gallery presents an annual Spring Asia Week NY exhibition, showcasing important and beautiful works of art to a focused audience. Together they have developed a very strong network of collectors and curators... 
More here, lots of information, but in the circumstances, the absence of assurance on one particular matter that might be of concern to potential buyers is a little surprising.

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