Sunday 31 March 2013

Thames Discovery Programme

Mention of Mike Webber the other day seems a good opportunity to give a link to the Thames Discovery Programme website. Mike used to work in the 'Thames Archaeological Survey', which gave the beginnings to the present programme:
When the tide is out, the Thames is the longest open – air archaeological site in London, and much of the foreshore is freely accessible to the public. However, many of the exposed archaeological sites are often unrecognised and unprotected, and almost all are vulnerable to the twice-daily scouring of the tidal river, and thus require close monitoring.[...] Building on initiatives pioneered by the Museum of London’s Thames Archaeological Survey that took place from 1993 – 1999, and the Thames Explorer Trust’s innovative education projects, the Thames Discovery Programme aims to communicate an understanding and informed enjoyment of the historic Thames to the widest possible audience. This ambitious project is hosted by Museum of London Archaeology. Other partners include the Museum of London, English Heritage and the UCL Institute of Archaeology. [and NOT the Portable Antiquities Scheme? PMB, How come?]  [...]  Find out more about the Thames Discovery Programme activities and other Thames-related events in the Events section. Learn about where we are working and more about our key sites in the Riverpedia and FROGBlog sections.
Those intrigued by the mention of FROGs might like to follow up the references on the page concerning this volunteer group and maybe decide to become involved in some real archaeology:
The FROG is the Foreshore Recording and Observation Group. It is is made up of 300+ volunteers who have been fully trained in foreshore recording techniques and health and safety and have been certificated by the TDP. The FROG members work with the TDP archaeologists to record the archaeology of the foreshore during the summer season fieldwork, assist with training sessions for new members, participate in outreach events, and monitor the archaeology of the key sites of archaeological interest, found on the Thames foreshore. We hope that the FROG community continue to take responsibility for monitoring these key sites and other areas with archaeological remains on the foreshore for many years to come!
It is interesting to note that the website's "links" section only includes one link to artefact hunting, and that is to a very interesting mudlark's blog (current top post on some interesting sherd jewellery). [I must say I found the blog really good reading too, worth a stop-by if you like that kind of thing].


kyri said...

offcourse,unlike metaldetecting,you need to have a license to mudlark on the thames,otherwise you will end up in court.

Paul Barford said...

The licence works the same way as a landowner agreement - which of course the metal detectorist needs.

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