Monday 10 June 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: Cold Feet About a Rally? Nah.

Over on a metal detecting forum near you is the thread "rallys this year ????" (sic):
any body planning going here ????  24, 25 and 26 August 2013
Near To Cambridgeshire/Bedfordshire Borders
Three Day Charity Rally Weekend in support of Help For Heroes
Over 1000 acres of land, being in different stages of worked land. There will be camping on site, toilets, catering, mobile bar and trade stands. £15 per person, per day. Postcode will be given out on 19 August to those attending. Tickets can be purchased here  
Further details can be request by emailing diggingupthepast
"Digging up the Past", now, where have we heard that name beforeSo, I wonder how many tekkies will be going out with one of the few metal detectorists in the UK to have actually been jailed for their activities? I wonder whether Help for Heroes considers where that money is coming from?

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