Thursday 27 June 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: Lenience in Northampton

Judge Waddoups has a few fellow spirits in Northampton. Mr Justice Cranston, sitting with Lord Justice Aikens and Mr Justice Irwin cut the lifetime ban on using a metal detector of Darren West, who admitted "counts of theft and damaging an ancient monument at Northampton Crown Court in December last year". West was also given an Asbo barring him indefinitely from carrying or using a metal detector, the ban has now been cut to five years by the Court of Appeal. So he'll be out metal detecting again in January2019. That's if artefact hunting with PAS-legitimation are still going on in Britain in January 2019. How many sites will have had how many collectable artefacts hoiked out of them by then? And how many non-collectable artefacts (archaeological evidence) will have been removed and discarded by uninterested collectors in the scrap-metal buckets? The answer is likely to be of the rank of one and a half million upwards - unless the PAS cares to provide its own estimate... Nah, thought not. Anyway Mr West can start counting the days until he can get involved in the grabfest.

Callum Jones, 'Lifetime metal detecting ban for Northamptonshire man is reduced to five years' Northampton Chronicle and Echo [Local section, not 'crime'] 27the June 2013

Vignette: Mr West will soon get his artefact hunting rights back. 

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