Thursday 20 June 2013

Campbell: The Illicit Antiquities Trade as a Transnational Criminal Network

Peter B. Campbell of Southampton University has just published a Research Article: 'The Illicit Antiquities Trade as a Transnational Criminal Network: Characterizing and Anticipating Trafficking of Cultural Heritage' in the International Journal of Cultural Property (Volume 20 Issue 02 May 2013, pp 113-153). Here is the abstract:
The illicit antiquities trade is composed of a diverse population of participants that gives the appearance of complexity; however, using the network paradigm, a simple underlying structure is revealed based on specific geographical, economic, political, and cultural rules. This article uses a wide range of source material to chart interactions from source to market using a criminal network approach. Interchangeable participants are connected through single interactions to form loosely based networks. These flexible network structures explain the variability observed within the trade, as well as provide the basis behind ongoing debates about the roles of organized crime, terrorism, and the Internet in antiquities trafficking. Finally, a network understanding of trade's organization allows for anticipation, though not necessarily prediction, of antiquities trafficking and offers the opportunity to develop new strategies for combating the trade.
Another 'criminal network approach'. The way to combat it is to stop dealers and collectors financing the criminal networks. They exist not because of the artefacts flowing through them one way to the market, but the flow of financial incentives down the chain the other way, and its the money from the collector's pocket that finances it.

Vignette: Criminal networks, they are everywhere

1 comment:

Paul Barford said...

I am reposting this:
"peterbcampbell has left a new comment on your post "Campbell: The Illicit Antiquities Trade as a Trans...":

Hello Paul, the article certainly discusses the impact of stopping collectors on the network as a whole. It also provides some concrete examples of organized crime within the trade. I'd like to show you some of the unpublished data that might pique your interested related to coin sales:
[email deleted]"

Nice to hear from you, I'll be in touch in between editing work this week. I thought I'd not post the email address as you'd probably get some harassment from the 'nasties' of the coin-collecting world.

While we cannot eliminate the nasties, I do not see why we should help them.

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