Monday 23 September 2013

Loot The Plundered Heritage

New film out, produced by University of Central Florida.  Loot The Plundered Heritage Arlen F Chase (Archaeological Director); Diane Z Chase (Archaeological Director); Robert Schyberg (Executive Producer, Director, Writer) 0 pp. / 5.00 x 5.00 / Mar, 2013 DVD (978-1-61132-261-3)

This brief, jolting film shows the hidden cost to the heritage of Latin American peoples caused by the trade in Precolumbian art by western museums and collectors. Archaeologists Arlen and Diane Chase show how the damage to archaeological sites done by looting belies claims that collecting ancient art helps preserve the past. They show the remains of looted tombs at the site of Caracol, Belize, and document the important information about the Maya past destroyed by looters. The film achieves balance by offering divergent perspectives on the topic, providing a forum for art dealers and collectors as well as documenting the perspectives of museum curators and government ministers assigned to protect culture. Designed for students in courses in archaeology, heritage, museology and art history, this video graphically shows the critical link between the beautiful objects in museums and on collectors’ shelves and the destruction of heritage. "
Archaeology Magazine writes:
This new production on the looting of archaeological sites, fueled by the antiquities trade, deserves a wide audience. It delivers a basic message vital to the archaeological profession and the preservation of archaeological sites – that sites should be protected from unscientific excavation and that the marketing of antiquities encourages illicit digging that destroys valuable evidence about ancient peoples
Maybe the PAS might like to order a few copies so FLOs can take them to their meetings in artefact hunters' clubs?  (1970 UNESCO Convention Art. 10 anyone?)

The price of this film though $85 is just utterly ridiculous and totally counter-productive. The archaeologists should have gone to YouTube to get their message across not go for some limited circulation elite edition. 

Hat tip to Donna Yates

1 comment:

David Knell said...

"The price of this film though $85 is just utterly ridiculous and totally counter-productive. The archaeologists should have gone to YouTube to get their message across not go for some limited circulation elite edition."

Totally agree. Insane.

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