Saturday 14 September 2013

Terrence Witkowski on Collectors, the Market and Looting

Artefact dealers and collectors deny the concept of preservationists who proclaim that it is no-questions-asking collectors that are the real looters of the past. They say archaeologists and other preservationists "do not understand the market". So here is an interesting article:

Terrence H. Witkowski, 'Trade Ceramics, the Antiquities Market, and the Preservation of Southeast Asia’s Cultural Heritage'
The buying and selling of antiquities has long been entangled with looting and trafficking activities and, in the process, has done damage to the cultural heritage of source countries.  This paper investigates the market for Southeast Asian antiquities, specifically trade ceramics, the early pottery and porcelain exported throughout the region centuries ago.
Terrence Henry Witkowski is Professor of Marketing and Director of the International Business Program at the College of Business Administration, California State University, Long Beach. Born in Chicago, Terry earned a B.A. in History from Northwestern University (1970), an M.S. in Management from UCLA (1972), and a Ph.D. in Business Administration from U. C. Berkeley (1980). After part-time teaching at Berkeley and at Cal State University, East Bay, his first full time position was in the Department of Advertising at the University of Texas, Austin (1978-1982). He came to Long Beach in 1982 as Associate Professor, was tenured in 1986, and promoted to Full Professor in 1989. He was the Marketing Department Chair from 1993-1996.

I do not anticipate seeing a rebuttal from the antiquities traders' lobbyists or collectors, do you?

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