Sunday 29 September 2013

Worlingworth History Group Rally Today

If all went according to plan, today sees the beginning of the Worlingworth History Group commercial artefact hunting rally, looting the remains of the past to... er... save (o)the(r) remains of the past. Quicker and easier to rip out some of the brasses in the floor of the chancel and flog them off, I'd have thought. Heritage Action have a Message for the WHG (22/09/2013). Not that anyone in the village of Worlingworth appears to be in the slightest interested or concerned about this.
 WORLINGWORTH LOCAL HISTORY GROUP is holding its first METAL-DETECTING RALLY on the 29th September. Metal detectorists from all over the south-east of England are coming to Worlingworth to enjoy our hospitality and hopefully they'll uncover some interesting artefacts from the past. Funds raised will be ploughed back into the community in a number of ways. If the day proves to be a success, then it might become an annual event!
Covering more and more fields as each one becomes successively "hammered".

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