Tuesday 27 May 2014

Filming Starts Soon for Crook's "Detectorists"

Shooting is about to begin for the 6-part comedy series called "the Detectorists" starring actor Mackenzie Crook. The Production Company behind it is 'Channel X North'. Filming will take place throughout June in, of all places, Framlingham, Suffolk. This location will be familiar to long-term readers of PACHI as the site of the infamous Hot-Tub Rally at which many stones were thrown, and which the world will only (maybe) learn about what was taken in December 2016 (PACHI Monday, 19 December 2011, 'Framlingham "Hot Tub Rally" Video'). One wonders quite what the producers had in mind choosing this location, particularly as now they are looking for supporting actors of a particular type:
we are looking for a 5 x males aged 20-50 with a slightly intimidating look. We don't necessarily need you to look like bouncers or criminals, just slightly intimidating. 
They'll get paid  £75 per 11 hour day. The programme will be shown on UK TV later this year.

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