Thursday 1 May 2014

Wrenched-apart Mummy Case Bit for Sale on EBay

EBay lot number 231217705012
Ancient rare pharaonic wooden mask probably 18'th c.[sic]  With the provenance by paper work very interesting item for your collections!
The rest did not
make it to ebay - now lost
oh yes, only $750 and you get the "paperwork" (not illustrated or described) too. The seller does not show the back, just a view from the top (or bottom?) which shows that the back is convex and probably was fixed (with mud plaster?) in a hollow between the raised portions of the coffin lid depicting the hair. This, as the most portable and easily-hid element, has been prized out by the artefact procurers and sold on, and the rest of the coffin (including any inscriptions naming the occupant) probably ended up as firewood.  The fate of the human remains disturbed to get this saleable trophy-art can only be guessed, probably abandoned to the dogs. Who on earth would condone, let alone take part in the destruction of the heritage like this? What kind of person would want the face staring at them reproachfully with those wide-open eyes, knowing where this has come from? What kind of people are these collectors? 

Note this object is situated on, but apparently not sold through eBay.usa. Why might that be? What has eBay.UK got that the other one has not - or is it the other way round? What do you reckon, does the "paperwork" include an Egyptian export licence? Postage though a bargain at eight quid, insured.

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